The following acts are permissible for the fasting person:
Abu Bakr ibn 'Abdurrahman reported from a number of companions that they had seen
Allah's Messenger pour water over his head while he was fasting due to thirst or
extreme heat. This is related by Ahmad, Malik, and Abu Dawud with a sahih chain.
In the two Sahih of al-Bukhari and Muslim, it is related from 'Aishah that the Prophet
would rise in the morning on a fasting day and then would perform ghusl (a complete
bath). If during the bath some water is swallowed unintentionally, the fast is still
These acts are all permissible, even if some taste from it finds its way to the
throat, as the eyes are not a passageway to the stomach. Anas reported that he would
apply kohl while he was fasting. This is the opinion of the Shaf'iyyah. Ibn al-Munzhir
records the same opinion from 'Ata, al-Hassan, an-Nakha'i, al-Au~a'i, Abu Hanifah,
Abu Thaur, and Dawud. It is related from the following companions: Ibn 'Umar, Anas,
and Ibn Abu 'Aufa. According to atTirmizhi, nothing authentic has been related from
the Prophet concerning this question.
It is confirmed that 'Aishah said: "The Prophet would kiss and embrace while he
was fasting, for he had the most control of all of you over his desires." 'Umar
said: "I was excited one time and I kissed [my wife] while I was fasting. I went
to the Prophet and said: 'Today I committed a horrendous act--I kissed while I was
fasting.' The Prophet asked: 'What do you think of rinsing with water while fasting?'
I said: 'There is nothing wrong with that.' The Prophet said: 'Then what is the
question about?'"
Ibn al-Munzhir says: " 'Umar, Ibn 'Abbas, Abu Hurairah, 'Aishah, 'Ata, ash-Sha'bi,
al-Hassan, Ahmad, and Ishaq permit kissing. The Hanafiyyah and Shaf'iyyah say that
it is disliked if it incites one's desires. If it does not do so, it is not disliked
although it is better to avoid it." There is no difference between an old man or
a young man in this matter. The question is whether or not the kiss excites one's
desires. If it does, it is disliked. If it does not, it is not disliked although
it is best to avoid it. It does not matter if the kiss was on the cheek or on the
lips, and so on. Touching with the hand or embracing follow the same ruling as kissing.
Injections do not break the fast whether they are for feeding the person or just
medicine. It does not matter if the injection was intraveinous or underneath the
skin. It also does not matter if what was injected reaches the stomach, as it does
not reach the stomach through the customary manner (that food does).
The Prophet, upon whom be peace, was cupped while he was fasting. However, if doing
this weakens the fasting person, it is disliked. Thabit al-Bunani asked Anas: "Did
you dislike cupping for a fasting person during the time of the Prophet?" He answered:
"No [we did not], unless it made someone weak." This is related by al-Bukhari and
others. Vivisection follows the same ruling as cupping.
These acts are allowed in general, but it is disliked to exaggerate (that is, use
a lot of water and put the water deep into the mouth or nose while fasting). Laqit
ibn Sabra reported that the Prophet said: "Exaggerate when rinsing your nose unless
you are fasting." This is related by an-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizhi, and Ibn
Majah. At-Tirmizhi called it hassan sahih.
Scholars dislike using nose drops (that is, applying medicine through the nose)
while one is fasting, for they are of the opinion that it breaks the fast. There
is a hadith that supports their opinion.
Ibn Qudamah sums up the various opinions on the subject: "If while gargling or rinsing
the nose for the sake of purifying one's self [for example, for prayer] water reaches
the throat unintentionally and not due to exaggeration, there is no problem. This
is according to al-Auza'i, Ishaq, and one statement from ash-Shaf'i, which is related
from Ibn 'Abbas. Malik and Abu Hanifah hold that it breaks the fast because that
water reaches the stomach. If he was aware that he was fasting, it breaks his fast,
as if he would have drunk intentionally. The first opinion is stronger, since [the
water] reached the throat without intention or exaggeration. It is similar to having
a fly enter the mouth and proceed to the throat. That differentiates it from an
intentional act."
Ibn 'Abbas ruling is that: "There is no problem with tasting liquid food or something
you wish to purchase." Al-Hassan used to chew the walnuts for his grandson while
he was fasting. Ibrahim also permitted that.
Chewing gum (unlike the one in vogue in the West, it has no sweetness or fragrance)
is disliked. The gum must not break into pieces. Those who say that it is disliked
include ash-Sha'bi, anNakha'i, the Hanafiyyah, the Shaf'iyyah, and the Hanbaliyyah.
'Aishah and 'Ata permit chewing, as nothing reaches the stomach and it is just like
putting pebbles into one's mouth provided it does not break into parts. If a part
of it breaks off and enters the stomach, it will break the fast.
Ibn Taimiyyah says: "Smelling perfumes does not harm the fast." Enlarging upon the
subject, he says: "As for kohl, injections, drops dropped into the urethra [that
is, enemas for medicinal purposes], and treatment for brain and stomach injuries,
there is some dispute among the scholars. Some say that none of these break the
fast, some say that all except kohl would break the fast, while others say all except
the drops break the fast, or that the kohl or drops do not break the fast but that
the rest do." Ibn Taimiyyah continues: "The first opinion on this question is preferred.
The most apparent conclusion is that none of them break the fast. The fast is part
of the religion of Islam. Both the layman and specialist must be knowledgeable about
it. If the preceding actions were forbidden by Allah and His Messenger to the fasting
person because they would ruin the fast, then it would have been obligatory upon
the Messenger to clarify that fact. If he had done so, his companions would have
known about it and would have passed it on to the rest of the Muslims. Since no
one has related that not from the Prophet, not with an authentic or a weak hadith,
nor in mursal or musnad form then it must be the case that such acts do not void
[the fast]." He also says: "If the ruling is one that would affect everyone or everyday
matters, then the Prophet would have clarified it to a general audience. It is well-known
that kohl was in common use as were oils, washing, incense, and perfume. If they
broke the fast, the Prophet would have mentioned them, as he mentioned other things
[that break the fast]. Since he did not do so, they belong to the class of perfumes,
incense, and dyes. Incense goes through the nose and enters the head and lands on
the body. Dyes or oils are absorbed by the skin and the body is refreshened by it.
The case of perfumes is similar. Since these have not been [explicitly] prohibited
to the fasting person, it points to the fact that using them is permissible for
the fasting person and so is kohl. The Muslims during the time of the Prophet would
injure themselves, either from jihad or otherwise, and would injure their stomachs
or skulls. If that would have ended their fasts, it would have been made clear to
them [by the Prophet].
Since that was not prohibited for the fasting person, it must not break the fast."
Ibn Taimiyyah continues: "No one eats kohl and no one causes it to enter his stomach--neither
through his nose nor through his mouth. Anal enemas are also not taken as food.
Indeed, it helps the body to release whatever is in the intestines and it does not
reach the stomach. Any medicine that is used to treat stomach wounds or head injuries
[that is taken orally] is not considered similar to food. Allah says in the Qur'an:
'Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you.' The Prophet,
upon whom be peace, said: 'Fasting is a shield,' and, Verily, Satan rushes through
the body like the flowing of the blood [in the body]. You should constrict his rushing
by hunger and fasting.' To increase his Allah-consciousness a fasting person must
not eat or drink because food and drink cause the veins to fill up with blood in
which Satan circulates [in one's body]. They become easier for Satan through eating
and drinking, not from enemas, kohl, or medicines applied through the penis or used
to treat stomach and brain injuries."
If someone has food in his mouth when fajr is beginning, he should spit it out.
If he is having intercourse (with his wife) at that time, he should immediately
stop. If he does so, his fast will still be valid. If he continues in these actions
at that time, he will have broken his fast. Al-Bukhari and Muslim record from Aishah
that the Prophet said: "Bilal makes the call to prayer while it is still night;
therefore, eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktum makes the call to prayer."
The hadith from 'Aishah on this point has already been mentioned.
If the blood of a menstruating woman or of a woman with post-childbirth bleeding
stops during the night, she can delay ghusl until the morning and still fast but,
she must perform ghusl before the morning prayer.