[وَإِيتَآءِ ذِى
(and giving (help) to relatives,) meaning that Allah is commanding us to
uphold the ties of kinship, as He says:
[وَءَاتِ ذَا
الْقُرْبَى حَقَّهُ وَالْمِسْكِينَ وَابْنَ السَّبِيلِ وَلاَ تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا
(And give the relative his due and to the poor and to the wayfarer. But do
not spend wastefully in the manner of a spendthrift.) (17:26)
[وَيَنْهَى عَنِ
الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ]
(and He forbids immoral sins, and evil) Fahsha' refers to all things that are
forbidden, and Munkar refers to those forbidden deeds that are committed openly
by the one who does them. Hence Allah says elsewhere:
[قُلْ إِنَّمَا
حَرَّمَ رَبِّيَ الْفَوَحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ]
(Say (O Muhammad): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are
the indecencies, whether committed openly or secretly) (7:33) Baghy refers to
aggression towards people. In a Hadith, the Prophet said:
«مَا مِنْ ذَنْبٍ
أَجْدَرَ أَنْ يُعَجِّلَ اللهُ عُقُوبَتَهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا مَعَ مَا يَدَّخِرُ
لِصَاحِبِهِ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْبَغْيِ وَقَطِيعَةِ الرَّحِم»
(There is no sin more deserving of having its punishment hastened in this
world, as well as what is reserved in the Hereafter for the one who does it,
than tyrannical aggression and cutting the ties of kinship.)
(He admonishes you,) meaning, He commands what He commands you of good and He
forbids what He forbids you of evil;
(so that perhaps you may take heed) Ash-Sha`bi reported that Shatiyr bin
Shakl said: "I heard Ibn Mas`ud say: `The most comprehensive Ayah in the Qur'an
is in Surat An-Nahl:
[إِنَّ اللَّهَ
يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالإْحْسَانِ]
(Verily, Allah enjoins justice and kindness...)''' It was reported by Ibn