Allah says: `say, O Muhammad, to these people who disbelieve the Message you
have brought: travel in the land and see what was the punishment of those who
disbelieved the Messengers, how Allah destroyed them completely, and a similar
(end awaits) the disbelievers. See how their homes were emptied of them and how
they lost everything after living in luxury and being so numerous and so well
equipped, and having so much wealth and so many children. All of that was of no
avail to them and could not protect them in the slightest from the punishment of
Allah when the command of the Lord came. Nothing is impossible for Him when He
wants it to happen in the heavens or on earth.'
[إِنَّهُ كَانَ
عَلِيماً قَدِيراً]
(Verily, He is All-Knowing, All-Able.) means, He knows all that exists and is
able to do all things.