Name and Background
The last two Soorahs of the Qur-aan will be discussed together.
The names of both of these Soorahs have been taken from the first verse respectively.
These Soorahs teach how the Prophet ŝall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the believers
should seek only Allaah’s refuge from the dangers they face while trying to succeed
in living according to the guidance provided by the Qur-aan. The Qur-aan starts
with al-Faatiĥah wherein the believers humbly request Allaah to show them the straight
path. The whole Qur-aan showed that path, guiding the Islamic movement through all
its phases until it succeeded in its mission and victory was declared in Soorah
An-Naŝr and defeat of the opponents proclaimed in Soorah Al-Lahab. Then, the guidance
was concluded with a concise statement of Towĥeed – the essence of Islam – in Soorah
Ikhlaaŝ. Now the Qur-aan is concluding with advice to believers to seek refuge in
their Master who showed them the straight path so that they can continue on that
path under His protection.
The concept of seeking refuge automatically implies two things: firstly, the seeker
feels that he on his own cannot fend off the danger from which refuge is being sought;
secondly, the entity whose refuge is sought has the power, resources and means to
protect the refugee. These Soorahs teach that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala is the
only One Who has that power, authority, means and resources to protect a believer
who seeks His refuge.
As both of these Soorahs teach mankind to seek refuge in Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala,
collectively they are called “Mu‘awwi dzatain” – “the two refuge-seeking” Soorahs.