Name and Background
The name of this Soorah has been taken from the third verse, identifying the Soorah as the one in which the word Al-Ma‘aarij has occurred. “Al-Ma‘aarij” means stairs, ladder or other ways and means to ascend or climb heights.
This Soorah is the twin of the previous Soorah Al-Ĥaaqqah in terms of its theme and structure. It was revealed soon after Al-Ĥaaqqah, around the same early Makkan period when the Makkans were being introduced to the concept of the Day of Judgment and the life Hereafter and they were resisting the idea and refusing to believe in it. By the time of the revelation of this Soorah, they had started openly challenging the Prophet ŝall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam to bring on the Day of Resurrection, if he was true in his claim. Demanding the occurrence of the Last Day was their way of attacking the credibility of the Prophet ŝall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and making light of his teachings.
This Soorah comments on their demand and educates them about the difference between the human perception of time and units of time as compared to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala’s timetable and units of time. It exposes their psychology that causes them to make such demands and informs them of how the deniers of the Day of Resurrection will react when it actually occurs. It also explains that what they think to be impossible is very much within Allaah’s powers.